Working Together to Gain Efficiencies

One of the most difficult challenges planned communities face is balancing the services and quality expected by Members against what has been budgeted for those services. One way to bridge the differences is to find efficiencies, and that is exactly what SunWest Management (SWM) has been successfully doing for years!

Looking for efficiency is something SWM does every year and throughout each year. If our processes were a chain and every link in the chain is a step, our company approach is to eliminate any link that does not result in value to our customers, the SunRiver residents. Unless a step is required to comply with a law, a Board policy or rule, the governing documents, or adds value to the result, the step is eliminated. SWM staff are asked to look at the steps in every process they touch to ensure every step is needed. A few of the efficiencies SWM has gained through this practice are:

Tracking of Staff Time-

SWM utilizes a time tracking app so every SWM employee can log into a task or customer, that way their time is automatically tracked and accurately billed. That is how we accurately track the time dedicated to Reflections.

Digital Communication-

In the early years, SWM staff printed, stuffed, and mailed the Association notices. Now, the use of technology is widely used as the primary form of communication for most communities and other industries. Use of technology this way helps the association communicate with members in a timely manner. It also reduces the cost associated with physical mail.


SWM added data fields to our management software to minimize manual tracking processes. This improvement effectively reduces the number of times information is touched.

Payment of Invoices-

Even for routine accounting processes, we look for every efficiency. For example, most of the invoices for work involving the maintenance department go directly to them. This way they can sign off that the work has been completed, the item received, etc. Only then do they send the invoice to the accounting department for processing and payment. Finally, only with all that documentation included with the payment, the signer can efficiently verify all the processes have been completed and sign the check. A single touch for each department, while still ensuring proper separation of duties and checks and balances!

Cross Training-

Although some services may need to be performed by specific employees, most SWM staff can provide general services and information. By extensively cross-training, we are able to minimize the number of steps or touches when assisting residents. It's how we can quickly and efficiently serve residents without sacrificing the expected care and quality of that service.

Assessment Collection-

SWM has encouraged the use of electronic payments for assessments. Some boards have opted to adopt a policy requiring those who pay by check to do so on a quarterly basis. This reduces the payment processing to only 4 times a year and prevents possible human error.

Additional SWM Services vs. Outsourcing-

Sometimes SWM can provide a service more efficiently and less costly than outsourcing to another vendor. Two good examples are:

IT Services-

By assigning technology management to SWM staff, we can provide expertise and quick response for the Association at a fraction of the cost most IT specialists charge.

Landscape Services-

By assigning that maintenance task to SWM staff, we significantly reduced the scheduling delays and improved quality at a lower cost to the Members and Association.

The philosophy and practice is why we are confident SWM provides the best value to each community. Every year we look for new ways to streamline and be more efficient. What does that mean? SWM can facilitate any services for which the Association is willing to pay. The track record shows that SWM and the Board consider new requests from clubs, committees, groups, and residents very carefully. SWM works closely with the Board to only seek those additional services that add the most value to the Association.           

We are excited to consider other ideas that fulfill a Board's mission to promote harmony and preserve your values. We look forward to working with each association to ensure the very best ideas are implemented while protecting the lifestyle and future success of the community.


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